Linux Dedicated Servers - Comparison Fully managed dedicated servers, COMPLETE control with full ROOT access, DEDICATED hardware without any resource restrictions. This means that we will manage your server if you want us to do so, and install any software you need on your server per your request. If you have any questions contact our Live Chat Support
All listed prices are in US dollars.
We offer CentOS, Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora and FreeBSD
installation on linux dedicated server. If you looking for a
cheap dedicated server offering, then Linux will be your best
choice. Linux is open source there is no cost associated with
most versions because its software is free. Our default
installation of choice is CentOS which is free of charge. CentOS
updates their system on the regular basis with RedHat’s public
code. Currently available Centos versions are Centos 5.x 32 bit
& 64 bit and Centos 6.x 32 bit & 64 bit. CentOS and Ubuntu are
currently the most common versions of Linux we get requests for
with our dedicated servers. Another common operating system is FreeBSD. FreeBSD features advanced networking, performance, security and compatibility. Currently the latest versions are FreeBSD 6.x 32 bit & 64 bit and FreeBSD 7.x 32bit & 64 bit. Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu provides a system based on Debian with frequent time-based releases and a more considered desktop interface. We offer Ubuntu 12.10 & 12.04 32 bit & 64 bit, Ubuntu dedicated servers lets you customize and alter their software in whatever way. Debian 5 and Debian 6 32 bit & 64 bit is the world’s leading non-commercial totally free Linux distribution. Fedora dedicated server is a replacement solution for home users. Fedora dedicated hosting is perfect for advanced users that want the latest versions of software on their server and the flexibility to run their own applications. But if you are using your server for business or need a slow changing and stable platform, may consider Centos dedicated server. There are many other operating systems that follow a similar approach however Centos dedicated servers are typically the most up to date with RedHat’s latest changes. Check out our current comparation list of dedicated server! Dedicated Linux server web hosting has different web server services such as the Apache web server, the BIND name server, PostFix, Sendmail and Eximmail servers. Apache is able to serve a number of different websites from the same machine. Apache is now the most-used web-server in the world, and PHP can be compiled as an Apache module. Apache comes in 2 basic versions, Apache version 1.3.x and version 2.x. BIND (Berkley Internet Name Daemons) is the most commonly used software on the internet for providing DNS (Domain Name Service) services. BIND is also enabled by default on many of the dedicated Linux operating systems. BIND comes in 2 basic versions, the 4.x and 8.x. Keep in mind that BIND is used mostly on Linux but can also run on Windows. With dedicated Linux server hosting you will have more security, a reliable way of hosting your websites and SQL database, high performance, full control to root access, remote console, and remote reboot. Other things you may want to know about Linux servers hosting is about MySQL & PostgreSQL used for database management and Perl & PHP used for programming languages. MySQL is a database relational management system. A database is a structured collection of data. A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL is an advanced object relational database management system (DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs. Both runs on many platforms including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows, giving you the kind of flexibility that puts you in control. If you’re looking for performance, MySQL will be my choice because it’s fast and designed to work well with web based servers. However, if your want that demands transactions and foreign key references, PostgreSQL is the choice. Both systems have much to offer in terms of stability, flexibility, and performance. PHP and Perl are two very popular web programming languages. Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language) is a general-purpose programming language used for a wide range of tasks including system administration, web development, network programming, text manipulation, GUI development etc. Its major features are it’s easy to use, supports both procedural and object-oriented programming, has powerful built-in support for text processing, and has a large collection of third-party modules. Perl also allows convenient file access and interaction with UNIX commands and environment information. It is used frequently for creating CGI (common gateway interface) programs on web servers because it is faster than UNIX shell script programs. And then there’s the PHP which it stands for (hypertext preprocessor). PHP is an open-source language, used primarily for dynamic web content and server side applications. It is often pointed to as the main competitor with Perl. PHP is an embedded scripting language for HTML documents. PHP can run on all the major operating systems with most servers. So, if you’re looking for a cheap dedicated web server we would suggest you consider Linux for your OS. |
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