EEPP Program Support Unit
Functions and Team Building for the PFTC Department, EEAA
Objectives and Expectations of the Participants
The facilitator team proposed a set of six learning objectives for the retreat that are listed in
Attachment 3., PFTC Retreat Objectives. The primary focus was to generate a common
understanding about functions and structures for PFTC, including details about the outputs of
the department and its sub divisions.
The expectations of the participants are listed in Attachment 4., Expectations for the Retreat
Listed by the Participants. What the participants volunteered as their aims agreed with the
retreat objectives that had been planned. However, PFTC members added concerns about
social relations, communication and the integration into the department of the four staff
members from International Relations. This unit was added to PFTC a month ago through a
ministerial order. The facilitator acknowledged the extra needs of the PFTC group and
suggested that improved communication and social relations would be a by product of the
group method used in the retreat.
PFTC staff said that their first priority was clarity and detail about the roles and
responsibilities of the department, its sub divisions and the individuals within. They wanted
to know the scope of their jobs in planning so that they could better communicate their work
to other departments in the Agency and work with them more effectively.
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