Chapter 3 Service Endpoint Design
endpoint, on the other hand, you must do the synchronization yourself in the 
source code.
A JAX RPC service endpoint has to handle concurrent client access on its own, 
whereas the EJB container takes care of concurrent client access for an EJB 
service endpoint.
Transaction considerations
 The transactional context of the service imple 
mentation's container determines the transactional context in which a service 
implementation runs. Since a JAX RPC service endpoint runs in a Web con 
tainer, its transactional context is unspecified. There is also no declarative 
means to automatically start the transaction. Thus, you need to use JTA to ex 
plicitly demarcate the transaction.
On the other hand, an EJB service endpoint runs in the transaction context of 
an EJB container. You as the developer need to declaratively demarcate trans 
actions. The service's business logic thus runs under the transactional context 
as defined by the EJB's 
container transaction
 element in the deployment 
If the Web service's business logic requires using transactions (and the service 
has a JAX RPC service endpoint), you must implement the transaction 
handling logic using JTA or some other similar facility. If your service uses an 
EJB service endpoint, you can use the container's declarative transaction 
services. By doing so, the container is responsible for handling transactions 
according to the setting of the deployment descriptor element 
Considerations for method level access permissions
 A Web service's 
methods can be accessed by an assortment of different clients, and you may 
want to enforce different access constraints for each method. 
When you want to control service access at the individual method level, con 
sider using an EJB service endpoint rather than a JAX RPC service endpoint. 
Enterprise beans permit method level access permission declaration in the de 
ployment descriptor you can declare various access permissions for different 
enterprise bean methods and the container correctly handles access to these 
methods. This holds true for an EJB service endpoint, since it is a stateless ses 






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