A Youth Leader's Guide to Building Cultural Competence
What is your family structure? Is your current family structure different from the one you grew up in?
Who is considered to be a member of your family? Are there individuals to whom you are not related, but
who are considered family such as longtime friends, neighbors or godparents?
What was the division of labor and responsibilities in your family? Did that vary by gender or age or other
forms of status? How about now?
How important is it to have children? How many children are in your household? Was there value placed
on having children of one gender or the other?
What family members were typically involved in major family decisions? Were you included in these
discussions? Who in your family is included now?
How involved is your family in marriage decisions? Are marriages arranged? By whom? Is there a
balance of responsibility between both families involved in the marriage?
What are/were the expectations of what responsibilities you have to your parents or family? What
responsibilities did/do your parents have to you? What are the expectations about living at home? Does
that change in the context of marriage?
Are there any openly gay, lesbian or bisexual members of your family, including you? Are they
acknowledge? Accepted? Are same sex life partners or opposite sex partners considered to be family
members as well?
What are your views on marriage outside your cultural group? What are your family's views? How do
you view dating or sexual affairs? What about your family's views?
What do you consider to be the ideal body type for a man and for a woman? What do members of your
family think? How are your ideals influenced by your upbringing and images in mainstream advertising?
Are you generally happy with your body? Do you think your view is atypical of those around you?
In what ways do you express different levels of intimacy? Do you think you have different needs for
intimacy than most members of the opposite sex? Do you consider displays of public affection acceptable
or in poor taste?
How do you express closeness to members of the same sex? To friends of the same or opposite sex?
When and how were you allowed to date? Was dating in the conventional American sense the norm for
your household? Were you allowed to socialize in co ed groups? Were there any specific restrictions or
unspoken rules about these activities?
Which gender was encouraged or expected to take the initiative in heterosexual romantic relationships?
Who was supposed to ask first? What expectations were there for the opposite sex in response?
Are some sexual acts taboo? If so which ones and with whom? When? How do you view masturbation?
Have your responses changed from your childhood and adolescence? If so, how?
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