rules in Makefiles, purpose of, 105
run modes
bug tracking facility of, 160 161
as methods, 262
using with CVS repositories, 151
using with CGI::Application
Web site, 141
module, 261
SP variables, declaring with dSP C macro, 198
run_modes() call, role in
SPAGAIN C macro, using, 199
CGI::Application module, 262
spaghetti code, explanation of, 21
runtime versus compile time, explanation of,
special operations, symbols for, 49
23, 30
square brackets ([]), using with references, 37
RVs (reference values)
ssh (secure shell), using with CVS, 150 151
advisory about checking with SvROK
ST C macro, using with XSUBs, 215, 223
and SvTYPE, 192
start_mode() call, role in
creating, 190
CGI::Application module, 262
dereferencing with, 192
state machines, CGI programs as, 257 258
features of, 189
state, maintaining with $LOG_LEVEL
type checking with, 191
variable, 32
stdio functions versus PerlIO set, 203
Storable module, features of, 169 170
STORE() method
s notation, explanation of, 22
using with tied hashes, 61
S Support Levels Stage of DSLIP
using with tied scalar classes, 58 59
Module List codes for, 10
strEQ(), using with XSUBs and named
providing module information for, 133
parameters, 223
Safefree() Perl C API interface to free(),
string comparison operations, symbols
example of, 202
for, 49
save() method, role in
string conversion, overloading, 50 51
CGI::Application module, 262
string operations, symbols for, 49
struct() subroutine, using, 88
using with implicitly freed memory, 196
using with subroutines, 198 199
calling from C, 197 201
say_Hello subroutine, code for, 197 198
calling from C without parameters or
scalar value C data type. See SV* (scalar value)
return values, 197 198
data type
calling with one parameter and no
scalars, tying, 57 59
return values, 198 199
search engines, using, 12 13
calling with variable parameters and
Sendmail Web site, 142
one return value, 199
serialization, provision by Storable module,
calling with variable parameters and
169 170
variable return values, 200 201
setup() method, role in
capitalizing in functional interfaces, 75
CGI::Application module, 261
documenting in functional interfaces,
shift built in, using with AVs, 184 185
75 76
site_perl directories, usage of, 29
exporting, 33
some_call() failure, troubleshooting, 80
functionality of, 21
source code
implementing call by reference in, 37
importing into CVS, 151 152
naming in functional interfaces, 74 75
using with CVS, 152 153
returning from, 201
signaling errors with, 201
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