Writing C Modules with XS
To get started, I would create two literal XSUBs:
MODULE = Gnome::MIME   PACKAGE = Gnome::MIME   PREFIX = gnome_mime_
GList *
  const char * type
const char *
gnome_mime_get_value(type, key)
  const char * type
  const char * key
But this generates a compilation error:
Error:  GList *  not in typemap in MIME.xs, line 10
The last time you saw this error, it was for const char * and const gchar *, and 
the solution was to simply alias those types to the type used for char *. In this case, the 
solution won't be so easy there's no existing typemap with the behavior I'm 
looking for. In particular, I want a typemap that will take a GList* and return a ref 
erence to an AV*. You can find the completed typemap file in Listing 9 9.
Listing 9 9. typemap File with GList* Typemap
const char  *    T_PV
const gchar *    T_PV
GList *          T_GLIST
        croak("GList * input typemap unimplemented!");
        $arg = GList_to_AVref($var);
A typemap file has three sections. The first is a list of C type names and corre 
sponding typemap names. This allows a group of C types to share a single typemap. 
This section already has two lines in my typemap file:
const char  *    T_PV
const gchar *    T_PV






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