Chapter 8
Notice that this call is similar to av_fetch(), and similarly returns an SV** that may 
be NULL if the requested key does not exist. Just like av_exists(), hv_exists() pro 
vides a simple way to avoid dealing with SV**s:
SV *sv;
// check that $hv{foo} exists
if (hv_exists(hv, "foo", strlen("foo"))) {
   // safely trust hv_fetch to return non NULL
   sv = *(hv_fetch(hv, "foo", strlen("foo"), 0));
} else {
   croak("fetch failed: hv does not contain value for key foo");
Aside from reading a specific key, the other common way to read from a hash 
is to iterate through its keys and values. This is done using the hv_iter functions. 
For example, here's a function that prints out the keys and values in a hash:
void print_hash (HV *hv) {
   SV *sv;
   I32 i, count;
   char *key_string;
   STRLEN len;
   // initialize the iteration
   count = hv_iterinit(hv);
   // loop over key/value pairs
   for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
      sv = hv_iternextsv(hv, &key_string, (I32*) &len);
      printf("%s : %s\n", key_string, SvPV(sv, len));
The preceding function uses two new Perl API calls, hv_iterinit() and 
hv_iternextsv(). The first initializes the iteration and returns the number 
of key value pairs in the hash:
count = hv_iterinit(hv);






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