Programming Perl in C
You can get the same effect using av_len() to check the length of the array:
SV *sv;
if (av_len(av) >= 9) { // check that $#av >= 9
sv = *(av_fetch(av, 9, 0)); // safely trust av_fetch to return non NULL
} else {
croak("av doesn t have a tenth element!");
The av_len() function works the same way as the $#array magic value it returns
the last valid index in an array.
Combining the preceding functions, you can now write a function to iterate
through an array and print out each value:
void print_array (AV *av) {
SV *sv; // SV pointer to hold return from array
char *string; // string pointer to hold SV string value
STRLEN len; // unused length value for SvPV()
I32 i = 0; // loop counter
// loop over all valid indexes
for (i = 0; i <= av_len(av); i++) {
sv = *(av_fetch(av, i, 0)); // get the SV for this index
string = SvPV(sv, len); // get a stringified form of the SV
printf("%s\n", string); // print it out, one value per line
As I mentioned earlier, AVs also support a version of Perl's pop and shift built
ins. These functions, av_pop() and av_shift(), return regular SV* pointers rather
than the SV** pointers returned by av_fetch(). Using av_shift(), you could write a
destructive version of the for loop just shown:
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