Great CPAN Modules
The LWP module collection, written by Martijn Koster and Gisle Aas,
provides an
interface to the network protocol of the World Wide Web HTTP.
The project
was originally based on Roy Fielding's
libwww perl library for Perl 4. After the
release of Perl 5, both Martijn and Gisle built their own Perl 5 version of libwww
perl. They decided to combine forces, and the result is the LWP module of today.
LWP modules have done for HTTP what Net::FTP did for FTP. It provides a
simple and extensible implementation for writing HTTP clients. Given the explosive
growth of the internet, LWP has come to hold a central place in the toolbox of
many Perl hackers. If the data you want is on the Web, then you can use LWP to
access it.
Another reason that LWP has been successful is that it goes to extreme lengths
to make easy things easy while still making hard things possible. The LWP::Simple
module that comes with LWP embodies this philosophy. For example, to fetch a
copy of the home page, this is all the code that's needed:
use LWP::Simple qw(get);
$contents = get( );
It just doesn't get much simpler than that! But LWP doesn't end with LWP::Simple;
for more complicated uses, it implements a fully object oriented interface with
classes for every component of the request and response (LWP::UserAgent,
HTTP::Request, HTTP::Response, and so on). By providing two interfaces, one
simple enough to learn in a day and the other powerful enough to address nearly
any need, LWP can be used by both novices and experts.
LWP's object oriented interface has provided a fruitful ground for extension
modules. One popular example is LWP::Parallel by Marc Langheinrich, which
extends LWP to allow users to make multiple requests simultaneously. Existing
code that uses LWP can be modified to use LWP::Parallel very easily as most of the
interfaces remain the same.
The LWP project has a homepage at There you'll
find links to the SourceForge hosted CVS repository and bug tracker, development
mailing list, and a list of applications built with LWP. You'll also find links to the
LWPng project, which Gisle Aas started to revise the implementation of LWP to
better support HTTP/1.1.
18. With lots of help see the Acknowledgments section of the LWP documentation for a virtual
who's who of Perl development.
19. LWP also supports HTTPS, FTP (using Net::FTP), Gopher, and NNTP, but HTTP is by far the
most commonly used.
20. See Roy Fielding's site at
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