Chapter 3
a class can provide. In the last chapter I demonstrated how to provide accessor
mutators by writing a method for each attribute. When the method has no param
eters, it returns the value of the attribute; with one parameter, it sets the value of
the attribute.
It doesn't take long before writing accessor mutator methods gets old. Every
one is essentially the same. Fortunately, there are a number of better ways to
choose from!
Auto Rolling Your Own
The basic problem is simple you have a number of subroutines to generate, and
they all do the same thing on different data. Fortunately, Perl is a highly dynamic
language, and it's easy to generate new subroutines at runtime. Here's an example
that creates a simple accessor mutator for a set of attributes stored in the package
variable @ATTRIBUTES:
package BOA::Logger;
# initialize array of attribute names
@ATTRIBUTES = qw(filename level format);
# create a subroutine for each attribute
foreach my $attribute (@ATTRIBUTES) {
*$attribute = sub {
my $self = shift;
$self >{$attribute} = shift if @_;
return $self >{$attribute};
This block of code works by assigning a closure to a symbol table entry with the
same name as the attribute. After this code runs, there will be three new methods
available in the BOA::Logger package filename(), level(), and format(). If you
needed to add a new attribute to the package, it would be a simple matter of
adding it to @ATTRIBUTES.
Another way to accomplish the same effect is to use AUTOLOAD(). When you call
a method on an object that doesn't exist in the object's class or any parent classes,
Perl looks to see if the class has a method in it called AUTOLOAD(). If not, Perl will
traverse the inheritance hierarchy the same way it does when looking for normal
methods. When Perl finds a suitable AUTOLOAD() method, the package global
$AUTOLOAD is set to the full name of the method being called, and AUTOLOAD() is called.
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