Chapter 3
Even if you don't use inheritance in your module, you should be ready for it.
You should design your module with the expectation that some users will use it as
a parent class for their creations. At the very least, this means using the two argument
form of bless() and using isa() to check the type of objects rather than ref().
Better yet, document your private methods and object layout so that subclasses
can avoid breaking the rules.
Designing a Method
Methods in Perl are subroutines, so all the advice about subroutine design and
construction in the section on functional modules applies here. Of course, methods
aren't just subroutines; depending on your outlook, they might be messages
passed to the object, actions performed by the object, or actions performed on the
object. Nailing your metaphors is the key to designing powerful methods. Be con
sistent and be explicit about your choices in your documentation.
Consider, as an example, an object oriented implementation of the check_mail()
function presented previously. To refresh your memory, this function is called
as follows:
check_mail(imap_sever => $imap_server,
username => $username,
password => $password,
retries => 3);
One possible object oriented approach to this functionality would encapsulate
the parameters in attributes of a mail checking object. For example:
my $checker = MailChecker >new(); # create a new MailChecker object
$checker >imap_server($imap_server); # set up attributes
$checker >username($username);
$checker >password($password);
$checker >retries(3);
$checker >check(); # check mail
This design has a few problems. First, what happens if you call check() before
calling imap_server()? Second, this system is considerably more verbose than the
functional example. To solve these problems, the constructor should be written to
take attributes as parameters:
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