Module Design and Implementation
Implementing a named parameter subroutine is easy. Here's one way to do it:
sub check_mail {
croak("Odd number of parameters to check_mail!") if @_ % 2;
my %params = @_;
# ... rest of sub uses %params to access parameters
The first line checks to make sure you have an even number of parameters. If you
omit this test, then the next line will cause a confusing error if a user calls the routine
with an odd number of parameters.
An alternate way to implement a named parameter style subroutine is to
require the calling code to pass a reference to a hash as a single parameter. If this
were done with check_mail(), then the call would look like this:
check_mail({imap_sever => $imap_server,
username => $username,
password => $password});
As a result, the implementation of the subroutine changes a bit:
sub check_mail {
croak("Bad call to check_mail expected a single hash ref!")
unless @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq "HASH";
my $params = shift;
# ... rest of sub uses %$params to access parameters
Which method you choose is largely a matter of taste.
One of the main benefits of using a named parameter style, aside from the
ease of use, is in extensibility. For example, let's imagine you need to add a couple
new optional parameters to the previously documented check_mail() $timeout
and $retries. Since they're optional, they'll have some reasonable default if not
specified. That makes a call using positional parameters look like the following:
check_mail($imap_server, $username, $password, $mailbox, $timeout, $retries);
The problem is that if you only want to specify one of the optional parameters,
then you'll need to pad the preceding parameters with undefs. For example, to
specify a number of retries but leave the other optional parameters alone, an ugly
call is required:
check_mail($imap_server, $username, $password, undef, undef, $retries);
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