Module Design and Implementation
expressed by the subroutine. For example, connect($server_address) is much 
easier to understand than socket($server_address). Avoid ambiguous verbs like 
 process  and  handle. 
An exception to the this rule are functions whose sole purpose is to return a 
particular value. In this case, dispensing with the superfluous  get  or  return  
verbs is preferable. That is, next_id() is better than get_next_id().
Try to use full words and avoid abbreviation. Some developers are under the 
impression that removing vowels from their subroutine (and module) names for 
example snd_cmd() rather than send_command() will enhance their usability. The 
time you spend typing the full name will be more than repaid by the time your 
users save remembering the name!
Capitalization is certainly a fruitful subject for flame wars, but there seems to 
be a rough consensus in the Perl community. Normal subroutines are all lowercase 
and multiple words are joined with underscores (for example, encode_html()). 
Constants and package variables are in all caps (such as FORBIDDEN and $DEBUG).
Private subroutines are preceded by an underscore (such as _parse()). Consider 
carefully before violating these expectations.
Above all, be consistent. If you're determined to use innerCaps,
 then at least 
do so consistently. It's far too easy to forget something like printData_filter() and 
instead type print_data_filter() or printDataFilter().
Take advantage of conventions wherever you can they reduce the time it 
takes a new user to learn to use your module. For example, if a subroutine prints to 
a file, consider using  print  or  write  in the name rather than inventing your own 
terms. You might also be able to follow the example of an existing module. If you're 
writing a CGI module that handles parameters, you might consider implementing 
a param() function that works like the CGI module's param().
Subroutine Documentation
As you plan your interface, you should document each subroutine you plan to 
write. The documentation for a subroutine should specify possible arguments and 
return values. If the subroutine will make assumptions about its arguments, then 
these should be stated. Just like the module description, a subroutine description 
should focus on what and not how. Here's a good example of a well documented 
7. aka StudlyCaps






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