Chapter 3
Size Matters
Many modules try to do too much. Instead of being useful tools, they're more like
overflowing toolboxes. They're hard to learn, hard to implement, and painfully slow to
load. Even if they provide undeniably useful services, their bulk limits their utility.
The best modules do one thing and do it well. As a result, they are easy to use
and easy to implement. The trick is to break your problem down into pieces that
are small enough to make good modules but no smaller. If you create too many
small modules, you'll end up back in the spaghetti bowl where you started!
A good test for module complexity is to try to describe what the module does.
If it takes more than a clause or two, then you've got something that's too compli
cated to be just one module. For example, an interface to the Acme Products
Database would make a fine module. On the other hand, an interface to the Acme
Products Database that functions as its own Web server and accepts orders via CGI
and e mail would not. Of course, it's possible to find a compact expression for an
impossibly large module. For example, a complete replacement for Linux would
not make a good Perl module! Although the description is simple, the scope of the
module is vast.
The process of taking a system and breaking it down into component pieces is
called factoring. It doesn't stop once you've decided to create a module. The next
task is to break the functionality of your module down into subroutines (or methods
in the case of an OO module) that will form the interface. At this point you might
find that your module requires a large number of subroutines (or methods). This
may be a sign that your module is trying to do too much.
Factoring may sound like a science, but in practice it is much closer to an art.
It owes more to composition in the visual arts than it does to any particular engi
neering discipline. Over time you'll develop a taste in module size and shape that
will guide you. Until then, keep it simple and don't be afraid to refactor when your
modules grow!
Document First
The easiest way to make sure you've got a workable design is to start writing the
documentation. If you can explain it in the docs, then there's a good chance you'll
be able to code it. When you get stuck writing the documentation, there's a good
chance you've discovered a flaw in your design. This is an excellent time to fix
design flaws there's no code to rewrite and very little effort wasted.
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