Perl Module Basics
This should definitely look familiar by now it's the same basic constructor pattern 
you've seen earlier in the chapter.
The rest of the methods are more interesting. FETCH() is similar to the methods 
in a tied scalar, but it receives an extra parameter the key that's being requested. 
The implementation here is very simple:
# method called when an entry is read from the hash
sub FETCH {
   my ($self, $key) = @_;
   # check cache and return if found
   return $self >{cache}{$key} if exists $self >{cache}{$key};
   # make lookup using nameserver provided to TIEHASH
   my $result = _do_dns_lookup($self >{nameserver}, $key);
   # cache result and reverse mapping
   $self >{cache}{$key} = $result;
   $self >{cache}{$result} = $key;
   # return result
   return $result;
It's debatable whether BOA::Network::DNS should even provide a STORE()
method DNS entries are generally considered to be read only! However, for the 
sake of completeness, let's provide one. STORE() takes two parameters, the key and 
the value to be set for that key:
# called when an entry is written to the hash
sub STORE {
   my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
   # store the value in the cache, forward and reverse
   $self >{cache}{$key} = $value;
   $self >{cache}{$value} = $key;
   # return the value stored so that chained assignment works
   return $value;
Perl's hashes distinguish between an entry containing undef and an entry that 
doesn't exist at all. The defined() operator simply calls FETCH() on tied hashes, but 






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