Chapter 2
Implementing a copy constructor is usually a simple matter of pulling out the
values needed for initialization and calling new() to create a new object. In this
case the object stores the numerator and denominator in the first and second
positions of the object array so the copy constructor is written as follows:
package Fraction;
use overload = => "copy";
sub copy {
my $self = shift;
return ref($self) >new($self >[0], $self >[1]);
The copy constructor is only activated for the mutating operators: ++, , +=,
and so on. If your object can have its value changed in other ways through a
method call or by a nonmutating operator, for example then the user will need to
call the copy constructor directly. In practice, this restriction makes the copy con
structor suitable only for rather normal mathematical packages. If your module is
playing outside the bounds of Perl's normal math, then it's probably not going to
mesh well with an overloaded =.
Just to drive home the point that you're not overloading assignment, note that
the copy constructor is never called if the object is the recipient of an assignment:
$object = 6;
After this assignment, $object contains the scalar 6 and is no longer a reference
to an object, overloaded or not! If you really want to overload assignment, then
what you need is a tied module. The next section will describe tied modules in all
their glory.
Tied Modules
Tying enables a class to provide the implementation for a normal Perl variable.
When a variable is tied to a class, all accesses to that variable are handled by
methods in the class. This is similar to an overloaded class, but instead of returning a
reference to a specially prepared object, tying enables a variable to be magically
associated with a hidden object. This may sound complicated, but the implemen
tation is quite simple all the hard stuff is handled by Perl.
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