Perl Module Basics
use WeakRef  qw(weaken);
# constructor   returns new BOA::Logger objects
sub new {
   my ($pkg, $filename) = @_;
   # lookup $filename in %BOA::Logger::CACHE   if an entry exists, return it
   return $CACHE{$filename} if $CACHE{$filename};
   # initialize $self as a reference to an empty hash
   my $self = {};
   # store in %CACHE
   $CACHE{$filename} = $self;
   # ... same as previous example ...
BOA::Logger is a simple module, but simple doesn't last. As more BOA developers 
start using BOA::Logger, requests for new features will certainly start piling up. Sat 
isfying these requests by adding new features to the module might be possible, but 
the effect on performance might be severe. One solution would be to create a new 
module called BOA::Logger::Enhanced that supported some enhanced features 
and just copy the code in from BOA::Logger to get started. This has an unpleasant 
consequence: The code would be harder to maintain since bugs would need to be 
fixed in two places at once.
There is a better way. Object oriented classes can be enhanced using inheritance.
Inheritance enables one module to be based on one (or more) classes known as parent
or base classes. The new derived class that inherits from the parent class is known as 
the child class. Here's an example module, called BOA::Logger::Enhanced, that 
inherits from BOA::Logger:
package BOA::Logger::Enhanced;
use BOA::Logger;
@ISA = qw(BOA::Logger);
By assigning  BOA::Logger  to the package variable @ISA, the module tells Perl that 
it is inheriting from the BOA::Logger class. This variable is pronounced  is a  and 
refers to the fact that a BOA::Logger::Enhanced object  is a  BOA::Logger object. 
Inheritance relationships are known as  is a  relationships.






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