Chapter 2
The Class
A class in Perl is nothing more than a package that happens to have subroutines 
meant to be used as methods. Here's an example of BOA::Logger transformed into 
a class.
package BOA::Logger;
use Carp qw(croak);
use IO::File;
# constructor   returns new BOA::Logger objects
sub new {
   my ($pkg, $filename) = @_;
   # initialize $self as a reference to an empty hash
   my $self = {};
   # open the log file and store IO::File object in $self >{fh}
   my $filehandle = IO::File >new(">>$filename");
   croak("Unable to open $filename : $!") unless $filehandle;
   # print startup line
   $filehandle >print("BOA log started: " . localtime(time) . "\n");
   # store the filehandle in $self
   $self >{fh} = $filehandle;
   # set default log_level of one
   $self >{level} = 1;
   # bless $self as an object in $pkg and return it
   bless($self, $pkg);
   return $self;
# level method   changes log level for this log object
sub level {
   my ($self, $level) = @_;
   $self >{level} = $level;






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