Chapter 2
This chapter will explain Perl's support for modular programming and delve into 
modular programming's funny looking cousin, object oriented programming. You 
may want to skip this chapter if you have experience programming modules in Perl.
Using Modules
Using modules in Perl is extremely easy. Simply place a use statement at the top of 
your program specifying the name of the module. For example, here's a program 
that lists all the files over 1 megabyte in size below the current directory, using the 
File::Find module that comes with Perl:
use File::Find;
find(sub { print "$_\n" if  s $_ > 1_024_000; }, ".");
The File::Find module provides the find() function that traverses directories. 
For every file it finds, it calls the subroutine you pass as the first argument. The 
name of the current file is made available in the $_ variable. In the preceding 
example the subroutine examines the size of the file using  s and prints its name if 
the size is over a megabyte.
You could, of course, write this program without using File::Find. However, it 
would certainly be much longer than the two lines required to do the job with 
File::Find. File::Find, like many modules, makes your life easier by providing you 
with functionality that you can use without having to write it yourself. Like most 
modules, File::Find provides documentation in POD format (covered in detail in 
Chapter 3). You can read this documentation using perldoc:
$ perldoc File::Find
File::Find provides its functionality through the find() function. This function 
is exported. Exporting means that the module provides access to a symbol,
 in this 
case the find() subroutine, in the namespace where the module is used. I'll cover 
exporting in more depth later in this chapter.
1.  UNIX users may also be able to use man to read module documentation. This is generally 
faster than using perldoc.
2.  Symbol  is a fancy word for named things in Perl. Variables, subroutines, and file handles 
are all  symbols. 






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