Perl Module Basics
 if you don't know what it means, you're probably writing it. 
Spaghetti code gets its name from the numerous and thoroughly knotted paths 
your program takes through its source code. In the classic case, every subroutine 
in the program will call every other subroutine at least once (if there are subrou 
tines goto is marinara for spaghetti code). Nothing is commented, or if it is, then 
the comments are misleading. Executable code is mixed in with subroutine decla 
rations at random. Basically, it's your worst nightmare.
What makes spaghetti code so bad is that even a small change in one part 
of the program can have dire consequences in an unrelated area. Fixing bugs 
becomes a dangerous activity find one, and two more spring from the mist. Code 
like this invariably gets rewritten rather than enhanced, at tremendous expense.
To combat spaghetti code, you need modular programming. Modular pro 
gramming is the practice of breaking a large program into smaller pieces called 
modules. Each module offers its service through a well documented interface. The 
internals of the module are considered private, or encapsulated.
The beauty of modular programming is that the internals of the module can 
change without affecting code that uses the module. Fixing bugs is usually just a 
matter of finding the offending code and making sure that the fix doesn't affect the 
interface. Furthermore, modular programming makes your job easier; you only 
need to worry about the implementation of a single module at a time, rather than 
an entire complex program.






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