The CPAN module is versatile tool with myriad options and capabilities. While
in the CPAN shell, you can get a description of the available commands using the
help command. Also, to learn more about the module itself, you can access the
CPAN documentation, using the perldoc utility:
$ perldoc CPAN
The Hard Way
The CPAN module may not be right for you. You may be behind a firewall or you
might prefer more control over the module installation process. Also, some CPAN
modules, usually older ones, aren't written to work with the CPAN module. If this is
the case, then you'll need to install modules the hard way. Put on your opaque sun
glasses and grab your towel.
First, find the module you want to download on the CPAN server near you. An easy
way to do this is by using the CPAN Search facilities described earlier. The file
you're looking for will end in either .tar.gz or .zip. CPAN modules have version
numbers, and there will usually be a list of versions to choose from. You'll generally
want to choose the highest version number available. Download the module file
and put it in a working directory on your local machine.
These files are compressed, so the first thing you'll need to do is uncompress them
to get at their contents. Under UNIX systems this is usually done with the tar and
gzip utilities:
$ gzip dc ModuleNameHere.tar.gz | tar xvf
Under Windows you can use tools such as WinZip, available at, or install a Windows port of the GNU utilities such as
CygWin, which includes tar and gzip. CygWin is available at
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