I would like to thank my wife, Kristen, for patience and for
bearance above and beyond reasonable limits. I would also like to thank our horse,
Rhiannon, for giving her something to do while I worked. My parents, Jack and
Rosemary, supported me in numerous ways throughout the writing of the book. In
particular I would like to thank my father for the prescient advice he often gave
me, Write if you get work. All the members of my and Kristen's family gave me
encouragement, for which I am grateful.
I must thank Jesse Erlbaum, who served as the chief technical editor for this book.
However, his contributions to my life began years ago. When I came to work for Jesse
at Vanguard Media in 1999, I knew plenty about coding but very little about being a
programmer. Jesse took me under his wing and taught me how to be a professional,
how to value quality in my work, and how to demand it from others. Under his
direction I published my first CPAN module HTML::Template which is based on
his work. Jesse's friendship, humor, and advice have been indispensable to me; that he
helped me complete this book is but the latest in a long series of kindnesses.
Neil Watkiss joined our team as a technical editor during the crucial final
weeks. Under extreme pressure he delivered admirably. Without his help the book
might never have been completed.
The people I worked with at Apress did a great job on the book and kept me
motivated throughout the project. Jason, Grace, Alexa, Ami, Erin, Stephanie, Doris,
Susan, Kari thanks!
My friends put up with my haggard face on many occasions during the writing
of this book. They even managed to seem interested when I would describe it at
length and in mind numbing detail. Chris, Sean, Catherine, Mia, Fritz, Nat, Jarett,
Carson, Danielle, Fran, Agneta thank you all. I plan to become human again
soon and look forward to seeing you all more often.
My coworkers at were often helpful and always patient when I
couldn't keep the stress from showing. Len, Peter, Rudy, Matt, Adam, Lou, Rachel,
Nathan, Tim thank you.
I would like to thank Larry Wall for giving us both Perl and the Perl community.
Without his work, I'm certain the programming world would be a much less inter
esting place. I must also thank Jarkko Hietaniemi and Andreas J. Koenig for giving
the Perl community CPAN and also for patiently answering my questions about its
history. I'd also like to thank the many developers who contribute to CPAN and
maintain Perl. In particular, the following people answered my questions and pro
vided me with invaluable insight into the minds behind Perl: Elaine Ashton,
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