Calculating Shipping, Handling, and Tax
Shipping Calculation
Shipping Calculation
Determine whether you would like to charge your customers for shipping as a flat amount or a
percentage of the total purchase amount.
Flat Amount
A flat amount is charged based on the subtotal of a purchase. Here's an example.
10.1Flat Amount Shipping Calculation
Your flat amount settings are:
$0.00 through $49.99 = $3.00
$50.00+ = $6.00
If your customer's subtotal is $36.50, your customer is charged $3.00 for shipping,
making the total purchase $39.50.
If your customer's subtotal is $66.50, your customer is charged $6.00 for shipping,
making the total purchase $72.50.
Choose the Flat Amount radio button (with the $ by it), and enter a flat amount for each dollar
amount increment. Click Save to save your changes.
A percentage is charged based on the subtotal of a purchase. Here's an example.
10.2Percentage Shipping Calculation
Your percentage settings are:
$0.00 through $49.99 = 5%
$50.00+ = 4%
If your customer's subtotal is $36.50, your customer is charged 5% x $36.50 = $1.83 for
shipping, making the total purchase $38.33.
If your customer's subtotal is $66.50, your customer is charged 4% x $66.50 = $2.66 for
shipping, making the total purchase $69.16.
Choose the Percentage radio button (with the % by it), and enter a percentage for each dollar
amount increment. Click Save to save your changes.
Overriding Your Shipping Calculation
In some cases, you might want to set a special shipping rate for an item (for example, if the
item is especially heavy and costs more to ship or if it is a service which does not require
shipping charges). To charge a different shipping amount for an item, include the shipping
cost in the HTML for that Buy Now button using the shipping, shipping2, and
August, 2005 Website Payments Standard Checkout Integration Guide
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