Creating Buy Now and Donation Buttons
Notifications You Receive
2. Open the email you wish to send.
3. Paste the code you just copied into your email by either pressing Ctrl+V, or right clicking
on your mouse and selecting Paste.
When your donors receive the email, the code will appear as a link. Clicking the link will take
them to your PayPal payments page.
HTML Tips: Please ensure that the HTML code on your Web page exactly matches
the code you copied from PayPal. Some HTML editors may add, delete, or change
some characters in your code. If this is the case, please change the code on your Web
page to exactly match the code you copied You can copy the code into a new Notepad
document, reselect all of the code, copy, then paste it into your Web editor.
Please be sure that when you paste the HTML code for your button, you are pasting
this information into a field that accepts HTML code. If you paste this code into a
standard text field, the code will be posted to your Web page as standard text.
How You Get Your Money
After your customer makes a payment:
1. You will receive an email notification of the payment.
2. Your customer will receive an email receipt for the payment.
3. Your PayPal account will reflect the payment (you can view this information from your
account history or download it as part of your history transaction log).
For more information about payment related notifications, see
Notifications You Receive
on page 54
and the Order Management Integration Guide.
Notifications You Receive
You can be notified of payments in these three ways: email, history transaction log, and
downloadable history transaction log.
You receive an email notification in the following cases:
Successful Payment
Pending Payment
Cancelled Payment
If you do not want to receive payment notifications via email:
August, 2005 Website Payments Standard Checkout Integration Guide
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