How Used
San serif 
Placeholders used in the context of a format or programming standard or formal 
descriptions of PayPal system syntax. Placeholders indicate values or names that 
the reader should provide. 
Example: For example, amount is the variable for a single item shopping cart, but 
amount_X is the name of the variable for a multi item shopping cart. amount_3 
is the item amount for the third item in a multiple item shopping cart.
To convey additional information, this document may also apply color and underlining to words or 
phrases that use the typefaces described above. Such use is described below: 
Text attribute
How Used
Hypertext link to a page in the current document or to another document in the set. 
Hypertext link to a URL or that initiates a web action, such as sending mail.
Documentation Problems
If you discover any errors in or have any problems with this documentation, please e mail us 
by following the instructions below. Describe the error or problem as completely as possible 
and give us the document title, the date of the document (located at the foot of every page), 
and the page number or page range.
To contact Customer Service about documentation problems:
1. Go to
2. Click Help in the upper left corner of the page.
3. Click Contact Us in the lower left of the page.
4. Chose Help by Email.
5. Complete the form.
To contact Developer Technical Support about documentation problems:
1. Log in to your account at
by entering your email address and 
password in the Member Log In box
2. Click Help Center at the bottom of the box on the right side of the page.
3. Click Email PayPal Technical Support.
4. Complete the form.
August, 2005 Website Payments Standard Checkout Integration Guide






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