Appendix A. Common Exploits and Attacks
Attackers find faults in desktop and
Workstations and desktops are more
workstation applications such as
prone to exploitation because
e mail clients and execute arbitrary
workers do not have the expertise or
code, implant trojans for future
experience to prevent or detect a
compromise, or crash systems.
compromise as servers run by an
Further exploitation can occur if the
administrator; it is imperative to
compromised workstation has
inform individuals of the risks they
administrative privileges on the rest of
are taking when they install
the network.
unauthorized software or open
unsolicited mail
Safeguards can be implemented such
that email client software does not
automatically open or execute
attachments. Additionally, the
automatic updating of workstation
software via Red Hat Network or
other system management service can
alleviate the burdens of multi seat
security deployments.
Denial of Service
Attacker or group of attackers
The most reported DoS case
(DoS) Attacks
coordinate an attack on network or
occurred in 2000 when several
server resources by sending
highly trafficked sites were rendered
unauthorized packets to the target
unavailable by a coordinated ping
machine (either server, router, or
flood attack using several
workstation). This forces the resource
compromised systems with high
to become unavailable to legitimate
bandwidth connections acting as
redirected broadcasters
Source packets are usually forged (as
well as rebroadcasted), making
investigation to the true source of the
attack difficult.
Advances in ingress filtering (IETF
rfc2267), and Network IDS
technology assist administrators in
tracking down and preventing
distributed DoS attacks.
Table A 1. Common Exploits
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