Julia (Built in)
This is a built in version of the Julia formula. Julia sets are closely
related to the well known
Mandelbrot set
. In fact, the Mandelbrot set is
a map of Julia sets. For each point in the Mandelbrot set, there exists a
unique Julia set.
Use the
Switch feature
to select a Julia set by moving the mouse cursor
over a Mandelbrot fractal. The most interesting Julia sets are found at
points close to the edge, where the colors change quickly.
Julia sets are strictly
self similar
and less complex than the Mandelbrot set. Still, they can be
strikingly beautiful, and they are certainly very interesting to explore.
The formula provides the following parameters:
This parameter specifies the point in the Mandelbrot set that corresponds to
the current Julia set. It defines the shape and behavior of the Julia set. Use the
Julia seed
Switch feature
to select good values.
Specifies the magnitude of z that will cause the formula to stop iterating. To
obtain "true" Julia sets, this should be set to 4 or larger. Larger values tend to
smooth the outside areas.
Bailout value
Some coloring algorithms require specific bail out values for good results.
Note: The Julia formula is also available as a normal formula that is less efficient, but offers more
options. See
See Also
Julia sets
Standard formulas
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