Do I need a new ISBN when I am reprinting a book with a new title?
Yes, a new title requires a new ISBN.
I am taking over another firm, which already has an ISBN registrant element. All future books
will be published under my name. Can I renumber all the other firm s titles?
When the publications are reprinted under your own imprint thus carrying your own name
you may assign new ISBNs from your own registrant element.
What information should be included in the metadata element ?
It is the responsibility of publishers to inform their group agency, or the organisation
responsible for the maintenance of publication registration, of the ISBNs that will be
assigned to forthcoming publications. The data element refers to the name of
the entity associated with the publishing of a publication
for example, Reed International
Books. It is a mandatory element in each occurrence of the composite and is
non repeating. The length of the field is variable, but there is a suggested maximum length
of 100 characters. Although the element stipulates only that the name of the publisher is
included within the metadata, it is the responsibility of all agencies to maintain up to date
publisher addresses and other contact details for their own records.
What information should be included in the metadata element ?
This element holds the date of first publication of the publication in the country of
publication (that is, under the current ISBN, as distinct from the date of first publication of
the work). Although the date should be given as accurately as possible, for advance
notifications the month and year are sufficient, and for backlist publications the year of
publication is sufficient. This is a mandatory element and the following formats are
4 digits (YYYY)
6 digits (YYYYMM)
8 digits (YYYYMMDD)
If the date is being supplied by the publisher in advance of publication, then this will be an
expected date, which should be replaced by the actual date of publication once known. It
is not anticipated that all local agencies will want to receive advance information, but
where they do choose to do so then this element should be updated with the correct data
at the time of publication.
I am not a publisher
can I still obtain an ISBN?
Yes. For our purposes, a publisher is the group, organisation, company, or individual who
is responsible for originating the production of a publication. It is also the person or body
who bears the cost/financial risk in making a product available
it is not normally the
Please remember that in a number of countries there is detailed legislation regarding
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