Appendix B     Getting Started with MySQL
 rw rw        1 mysql    mysql           0 Apr 30 14:30 
 rw rw        1 mysql    mysql        1024 Apr 30 14:30 
As you may have figured out, there are three files related to each table in the data 
base. To find out how many databases are present on your system, just list the directo 
ries under 
Basic MySQL Commands
This section presents some very basic MySQL commands. These commands are
required to do basic operations with the database.
Creating a Database
First of all you have to login to create a database. You can login as user  root  to
MySQL server as shown below. This root user is not the Linux root user. It is related to
MySQL database only.
[root@conformix /root]# mysql  u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 3.23.36
Type  help;  or  \h  for help. Type  \c  to clear the buffer
At the mysql> prompt, you can use MySQL commands. The following com 
mand creates testdb.
mysql> create database testdb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
When you create a database, a directory is created under /var/lib/mysql to
store database files. In this case the name of the directory is /var/lib/mysql/
Displaying a List of Databases
At the command prompt, you can use the show databases command to list
available databases.






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