Chapter 6 Using ACID and SnortSnarf with Snort
6.1 What is ACID?
ACID consists of many Pretty Home Page (PHP) scripts and configuration files that
work together to collect and analyze information from a database and present it through
a web interface. A user will use a web browser to interact with ACID. You have to have
a web server, database server, PHP and some other tools installed on your system to
make it work. For the sake of this book, I am using a RedHat Linux 7.1 machine. I have
installed Apache web server, PHP, and MySQL, which are part of the RedHat distribu
tion. The database is configured to work with Snort as explained in Chapter 5. The lat
est version of ACID is available from http://www.cert.org/kb/acid/.
ACID offers many features:
Searching can be done on a large number of criteria like source and destination
addresses, time, ports and so on, as shown in Figure 6 7.
Packet viewing is used to view different parts of packet. You can view different
header parts as well as the payload. Refer to Figure 6 6 for an example of
ICMP packet.
Alerts can be managed by creating alert classes, exporting and deleting and
sending them to an e mail address.
Graphical representation includes charts based upon time, protocol, IP
addresses, port numbers and classifications.
Snapshots can be taken of the alerts database. As an example, you can view
alerts for the last 24 hours, unique alerts, frequent alerts and so on. Refer to Fig
ure 6 7 for detail on snapshots.
You can go to different whois databases on the Internet to find out who owns a
particular IP address that is attacking your network. You can then contact the
responsible person to stop it. The whois database contains information about
owners of domain names and IP addresses.
All of these facilities are available through the web browser. You point the web
browser to a URL to access ACID screens. For example, I can use http://www.confor
mix.com/acid/ on my intranet site to view logs. The web pages are written in PHP. Sup
port packages like GD library and PHPLOT are used to print graphs on the web pages.
PHP connects to the backend MySQL database to get and update data. For this purpose,
you have to provide the database user name and password.
The big picture of the whole system including Snort, MySQL, Web server, PHP
and web browser is shown in Figure 1 1 in Chapter 1. The following is a brief, step by
step description of what happens when an intruder attempts to get into your network.
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