Output Modules
Table 4 2 List of Parameters for the Database
Host where database server is running.
Port number used by the database server.
Name of the database.
Name of the database user.
Password for the user. If you don't want to use a password, you can omit this param
eter (a bad idea!).
Name of the sensor used by Snort. This is useful when many Snort sensors are log
ging to the database and later on you want to know which alert is related to a partic
ular sensor. This name is also used by tools like ACID to distinguish different
You can use either full or fast detail. By default full detail is saved to the database.
You can use ASCII, hex, or base64 encoding for data.
To enable support of databases, you need to compile Snort with database support
enabled. The following configure script enables MySQL database support in Snort.
./configure prefix=/opt/snort with mysql=/usr/lib/mysql
Refer to Chapter 2 for details on how to build Snort.
CSV Output Module
Comma separated text files are sometimes useful when you want to import data
into other software packages like databases and spreadsheets, e.g., Microsoft Excel.
Using the CSV output module, you can save output data to a CSV file. The general for
mat of the CSV file is as follows:
output csv:
The file is created in the logging directory which is /var/log/snort by
default. Formatting options are used to define what information should be stored in the
CSV file and in what order. If you use the keyword default in the formatting
option, all parameters about the alert are stored in the file.
output csv: csv_log default
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