Preprocessors and
Output Modules
reprocessors and output modules are two important parts of Snort
architecture. Preprocessors process received data packets before
rules are applied to them. Output modules control output generated from
Snort's detection mechanism. The flow of a packet through Snort is
shown in Figure 4 1 where a packet is captured and then passed through
preprocessors first. After that, the packet goes to the Snort detection
engine where Snort rules are applied on the packet. As a result of applica
tion of Snort rules, if an alert or log message is generated, output proces
sors or plug ins operate on that output. The output of configured output
modules is then used by the security administrators.
Snort allows you to select which preprocessors and output modules
should be enabled. From a user standpoint, this is done through the Snort
configuration file snort.conf. Preprocessors and Output modules are
also called plug ins in some literature. So for the sake of this book input
plug in , input module and preprocessor mean the same thing. Simi
larly, output plug in and output module mean the same thing. This
chapter provides information about these components and their internal
working. This information will help you write good rules for Snort.
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