Chapter 2     Installing Snort and Getting Started
the latest version of Snort from its web site (http://www.snort.org/). Just look for the
 download  link and grab the latest version of the software. At the time of writing this
book, the latest version was 1.9.0. The downloadable file name is snort 
1.9.0.tar.gz, which can be saved  in the /opt directory on the Linux box. Note that
the installation method is similar for other versions which may be available by the time
you read this book.
N O T E  You must have libpcap installed on your UNIX machine or WinPcap if you
are using Microsoft Windows. You can get WinPcap from http://winpcap.polito.it/. Lib 
pcap is available from http://www nrg.ee.lbl.gov/.
The first step after downloading is unpacking the source code. Use the following
command to unpack it:
tar zxvf snort 1.9.0.tar.gz
This will create a directory /opt/snort 1.9.0, assuming that you have downloaded
the file in /opt directory and have run the tar command in this directory. In case of
other versions of Snort, the directory name will be different and will reflect the ver 
sion number. After unpacking you can see the directory tree created by the tar com 
mand using the 
 command. The following is a snapshot of directories present
under /opt/snort 1.9.0 directory.
[root@conformix opt]# tree  d snort 1.9.0
snort 1.9.0
|   contrib
|   doc
|   etc
|   rules
|   src
|   |   detection plugins
|   |   output plugins
|   |   preprocessors
|       win32
|       |   WIN32 Code
|       |   WIN32 Includes
|       |   |   NET
|       |   |   NETINET
|       |   |   libnet
|       |   |   mysql
|       |       rpc
|       |   WIN32 Libraries
|       |   |   libnet






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