Installing Snort
This command will perform the following actions:
Create a directory /etc/snort where all Snort rule files and configuration files
are stored.
Create a directory /var/log/snort where Snort log files will be stored.
Create a directory /usr/share/doc/snort 1.9.0 and store Snort documentation
files in that directory. You will see files like FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions), README and other files in this directory.
Create a file snort plain in /usr/sbin directory. This is the Snort daemon.
Create a file /etc/rc.d/init.d/snortd file which is startup and shutdown script. On
RedHat Linux, this is equivalent to /etc/init.d/snortd.
Basic installation is complete at this point and you can start using Snort. The ver
sion of Snort installed this way is not compiled with database support, so you can use it
only for logging to files in the /var/log/snort directory.
Starting, Stopping and Restarting Snort
To run Snort manually, use the following command:
/etc/init.d/snortd start
This command will start Snort and you can run the Snort daemon using the ps
ef command. You should see a line like the following in the output of this com
root 15999 1 0 18:31 ? 00:00:01 /usr/sbin/
snort A fast b l /var/log/snort d D i eth0 c /etc/
Note that you have to start Snort manually each time you reboot the machine. You
can automate this process by creating links to this file, which will be explained later in
this chapter.
To stop Snort, use the following command:
/etc/init.d/snortd stop
To restart Snort, use this command:
/etc/init.d/snortd restart
Installing Snort from Source Code
To install Snort from the source code, you have to build it first. You can build the
executable snort file using the procedure explained in this section. First, download
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