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public abstract String getPassword();
public abstract void setPassword(String password);
public void setEntityContext(EntityContext context){ }
public void unsetEntityContext(){ }
public void ejbRemove(){ }
public void ejbLoad(){ }
public void ejbStore(){ }
public void ejbPassivate(){ }
public void ejbActivate(){ }
Now you re done with the real work of the first example. That is it. That is all you have
to do to write a CMP entity bean; the rest of Example 1 just shows how to access, and
package this bean for use on a network.
The CMP fields will be managed by the container. All you had to do is represent the
CMP fields with virtual getters and setters methods.
In addition the
method is completely defined by the container.
You had to define the application specific create methods, but the implementations of
the create methods were virtually empty!
As I stated earlier, CMP entity beans are typically local beans. You can not access
local beans directly from the remote client. Thus, next you define a session bean that is
used to access this entity bean.
Introducing EJB CMP/CMR, Part 1 of 2
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