GMSQP Reference Manual
An illustration of the way in which the composition of the Partnership has varied over
this period is given below:
A | Partnership
A | Partnership
(A, B, C, D)
(A, B, C)
(A, B, C, E)
D ends
E starts
From the above, it can be seen that any function which needs to consider the total
registered population of the Practice during the period 01/05/98 to 31/05/98 has to
take into account the patients registered with ended GP D. This is already done in the
NHAIS System on, for example, the Capitation Report and within Finance
applications; but this would not be the case if enquiries were made on the NHAIS
System database with, for example, M Connect 2 or SAT Writer. To calculate the total
registered patient population for the above Practice would involve two separate
enquiries; one for Partnership A and another for GP D. The two sets of figures would
then have to be aggregated.
So, the legal `Partnership' does not consider D to be part of the Practice after his End
Date. In Financial terms, this is absolutely correct; D is not providing any services to
his patients, even though they are still (in database terms) allocated to him. So, no
payment should be paid to him.
However, those patients allocated to D still identify themselves with the Practice with
which D used to be a member; they will still look to that Practice to provide their
medical care. Hence, we need to consider D to be part of the
until he no
longer has patients allocated to him. In reality, this would be until the Bulk Transfer of
patients from D to E is actioned, i.e. the Bulk Transfer Action date of 31.05.98.
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Section 1
Version: 1.21
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