GMSQP Reference Manual
Amending Other Surgery Details 
If you are amending details which have previously been entered for another surgery, the 
following screen display will appear. 
 PC]Practice Maintenance Screen           Qualifier[N12345,SURG1                ] 
                                                                          page > 
 Practice Code  . N12345 
 Surgery address [22 BULLER ROAD                     ] 
                 [                                   ] 
                 [                                   ] 
                 [                                   ] 
                 [                                   ] 
 Postcode . . . .[EX1 1AA]      Grid Ref: 53440 18110 
 STD code . . . .[      ] Tel. no. . [         ] Fax no. . [         ] 
 (Please use qualifier of Practice Code,Surgery Identifier for other 
 surgery addresses). 
 Action `D'elete [ ] 
Figure 8: Other Surgery Screen (Existing)
Understanding the Other Surgery Screen (Amending Details) 
The details for this surgery (Address, Postcode, STD code, Telephone number and/or 
Fax number) can be amended as required. This surgery can also be deleted from the 
Practice, using the additional data entry field at the bottom of the screen. 
Action `D'elete
Enter `D' in this field if you wish to delete this surgery from the Practice. 
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Section 1
Version: 1.21 
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