GMSQP Reference Manual 
There are 10 possibilities for the qualifier which can be used to display the HG screens: 
Enter  core  information for a new PCO (national 
code, name, level, responsible HA, etc.). 
Code of an existing PCO 
Display/amend  core  information for an existing 
Display/enter/amend/delete codes of GP practices 
which form the PCO. 
PCO code`/B' 
Display/enter/amend Discretionary and Non 
discretionary bank account details for an existing 
Display index of all PCOs known to the system 
(codes, names, levels, responsible HAs), in National 
PCO Code order. 
Display index of all PCOs known to the system, in 
order of responsible HA Q code (with entries listed in 
National PCO Code order within each Q code). 
`I/'Q Code 
Display index of all PCOs known to the system that 
are responsible to that particular Q code (with entries 
listed in National PCO Code order). 
Patient NHS number 
Display PCO and GP practice information for the 
selected patient. 
`G'/GP code 
Display PCO and practice information for the selected 
Display population counts for all PCOs on the 
database, as at the last count. 
Display population counts on a specified date, for all 
PCOs on the database. 
A pop up box is available from the  SUMMARY  screens, showing counts for all GPs 
who have patients but are not linked to a PCO. 
  Crown Copyright 2005 
Version: 1.26 
Section 1   
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