GMSQP Reference Manual
Sup Employ Ceased
The date superannuable employment ended.  Must not be after age 65 unless it cross 
refers to EPA (Extension of Pensionable Age). 
Termination Code
The termination code is used to indicate why superannuation has ended.  Characters 
allowed are 01 16. 
  Not all characters are used. 
  01  Voluntary resignation or retirement 
  02  Resignation or dismissal in consequence of an offence of 
a fraudulent nature or misconduct 
  03  Redundancy or retirement in the interests of the efficiency 
of the service 
  04  On account of sickness or absence on unpaid sick leave 
  05  Cyclic updating  i.e. closure of form for the computer 
master record to be updated and a new form to be issued 
  11  Employment continuing but contributions cease to be 
  13  Assistant practitioner (contracted out of the GPS) 
becomes a principal (not affected) 
  14  Death 
  16  SD502 signed to leave the Scheme 
Optant Commenced
Must not be after the start of superannuable employment or age 70. 
Optant Ceased
Must be before the start of superannuable employment or age 70.
Extension of pensionable age.  Must be present if assistant is superannuable and older 
than 65.  Must cease before assistant is 70. 
Terminal ADP
For reference only.  Refers to the form used to notify the termination of superannuation. 
Cannot be earlier than 3 months before the assistant end date. 
5 6
Section 1
Version: 1.11 
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