GMSQP Reference Manual
Page 6 Assistant Details Screen
Assistant allowance start date, if entered, must be valid.
ALL NCE TO invalid
Assistant allowance end date, if entered, must be valid.
Before p ship
Start and end dates must not be before partnership start date.
Allowance start date must be after previous entry end date.
Asst date conflicts
Start and end dates must lie within the dates of the assistants.
ALLOWN 6mths ahead
Start date and end date may not be > 6 months in the future.
ASS T RATE absent
Assistant allowance rate must be entered if allowance start
date present.
ASS T RATE not reqd
Only needed if an allowance start date is entered.
ASS T RATE invalid
Must be a fraction < 1 or a percentage 0 100.
ASS T No not known
Assistant must have been set up on screen AS.
START absent
Assistant start date must be entered if assistant code present.
START not reqd
Only needed if an assistant code is entered.
START invalid
Must be a valid date.
Before p ship
Must not be before partnership start date.
ASS T dates overlap
If this assistant is already on the screen, the start dates must
not overlap.
START 6mths ahead
Assistant start date may not be > 6 months in the future.
END DATE not reqd
Assistant end date only needed if assistant start date entered.
END DATE invalid
Must be a valid date.
END before start
End date of assistant cannot be before start date.
END 6mths ahead
Assistant end date may not be > 6 months in the future.
END after p ship
Must not be after partnership termination date.
TYPE missing
Full/Part Time indicator must be entered if assistant code
TYPE not reqd
Only needed if assistant code entered.
TYPE invalid
Must be F or P.
SALARY missing
Assistant salary must be entered if assistant code is entered.
SALARY not reqd
Only needed if assistant code is entered.
SALARY too large
Must not be greater than 99999.99
SALARY invalid
Must only contain numbers.
3 20
Section 1
Version: 1.24
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