GMSQP Reference Manual
Page 4 Query Messages
PRIN before start
The Principal Start date is before the date the GP started.
This may be the case if the GP has completed service
with another HA or in another partnership under a
different local code.
RECK End>Prn Strt
The Reckonable Service End date is after the Principal
Start date. This may be case if a GP has had a career
change (such as working in a hospital) during the 2 years
prior to becoming a Principal.
The Principal Start date will not change so as not to
penalise a GP who makes this career choice, but will be
counted as a Post Principal Service Break to avoid
double counting .
RECK Strt>Prn Strt
The Reckonable Service Start Date is before the Principal
Start date.
Assistant Details Screen
Assistant allowance start must be a valid date.
Before GP on list
Must not be before GP start date.
Assistant allowance start date must be after end date of
previous entry.
ASST date conflict
Assistant allowance start date must lie within the dates of
the assistant(s).
ALLOWN 6mths ahead
Start date may not be more than 6 months in the future.
ALL NCE TO not reqd
Only needed if an allowance start date is entered.
ALL NCE TO invalid
Must be a valid date.
ALL N TO before FROM
End date of allowance cannot be before start date.
ALLOWN 6mths ahead
End date may not be more than 6 months in the future.
ASS T RATE absent
Assistant allowance rate must be entered if allowance
start date is present.
ASS T RATE not reqd
Only needed if an allowance start date is present.
ASS T RATE invalid
Must be a fraction less than 1 or a percentage in the range
0 100.
1 46
Section 1
Version: 1.26
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