GMSQP Reference Manual
 GD]Doctors Details                       Qualifier[000078                      ] 
                                                                        < page 
 Dr. B ALBATROS, 1 East Street, Cardiff CF10 6TG 
 Partnership Number :P/000078            Group Practice Code : 
 PAYMENT. Full time, Three quarter, Half time or Job share  . . [F]Full time 
 ACTUAL (if different). Three quarter or Half time  . . . . . . [ ] 
 Code of Job sharing GP . .[      ]                             Actual% [      ] 
                                FEES & ALLOWANCES 
 Basic Practice Allowance  [100  ]%    Golden Hello Start Date  [          ] 
                                       Golden Hello Charge Code [ ] 0.00 
 Seniority: 1st Stage from [10.11.2000] 
            2nd Stage from [10.11.2007] 
            3rd Stage from [10.11.2014]      to [          ] 
            4th Stage from [          ]      to [          ] 
 Postgraduate Education Allowance:  (* complete when payments at reduced level) 
    from [          ]   to [          ]   Payment Level [ ]*  Qtrs Paid   1234 
          01.12.2000        31.03.2001                   1 
 Golden Thanks:         Full Rate  [Y]    Reduced Rate  [ ] Normal List 
 GP s DoB 01.10.1939    SoQ 01.01.2003    GP s Age at Start of Quarter 63 
Figure 6   Fees and Allowances Screen (Wales only) 
Understanding the Fees and Allowances Screen 
Flexible working   PAYMENT 
This field is mandatory.  It indicates the GP's working commitment for payment 
purposes (either 
   Full Time, 
   Three Quarter Time, 
   Half Time or 
   Job Share). 
If a GP changes his or her working commitment, and the entry in this field is changed 
accordingly, FJ GMPP will pick up the new setting at the end of the quarter and will 
then apply it to the whole of the quarter's payment.  
Note however that, if a GP 
changes his/her working commitment part way through a quarter (as is usually the 
case), the system will not automatically cater for this.
  There are two alternative 
procedures for ensuring that the payments to the GP are changed on the correct date, and 
these are given on the following pages. 
Flexible working   ACTUAL 
This field is optional.  It is completed if the GP works less than the amount specified in 
the PAYMENT field because of PCG/PCT commitments, and is typically used to record 
the situation where a Senior Partner is also contributing some time to working on the 
Board of a PCT.  This field can contain: 
 if PAYMENT working is `F', or 
 if PAYMENT working is `T'. 
If the GP works less because of PCG/PCT commitments, then the actual flexible 
working percentage can be entered in nnn.nn format   e.g. 40.00, 60.00   up to a 
maximum of 100.00. 
1 14
Section 1
Version: 1.26 
  Crown Copyright 2005






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