GMSQP Reference Manual
Page 3 Fees and Allowances Screen
The Fees and Allowances screen is accessed from the Services Provided screen (Figure
4) by pressing the
key. This screen is used to enter a Full/Part Time
indicator, Basic Practice Allowance percentage and GP's seniority details onto the
system. It may also be used to enter the GP's Postgraduate Education Allowance
For GPs in partnerships, this screen will also display partnership number and group
practice code at the top of the screen as read only information.
Directions to Display the Fees and Allowances Screen
From the Services Provided Screen use the <
Page On
> key.
GD]Doctors Details Qualifier[000040 ]
< page
Dr. B BLACK, 56 Gloucester Road, Exeter
Partnership Number :P/000040 Group Practice Code :
PAYMENT. Full time, Three quarter, Half time or Job share . . [F]Full time
ACTUAL (if different). Three quarter or Half time . . . . . . [ ]
Code of Job sharing GP . .[ ] Actual% [ ]
Basic Practice Allowance [100 ]% Golden Hello Start Date [ ]
Golden Hello Charge Code [ ] 0.00
Seniority: 1st Stage from [01.05.1991]
2nd Stage from [01.05.1998]
3rd Stage from [01.05.2003] to [30.04.2009]
4th Stage from [01.05.2009] to [ ]
Postgraduate Education Allowance: (* complete when payments at reduced level)
from [ ] to [ ] Payment Level [ ]* Qtrs Paid 1234
Delayed Retirement: Full Rate [Y]
GP s DoB 27.01.1944 SoQ 01.01.2003 GP s Age at Start of Quarter 58
Figure 5 Fees and Allowances Screen (England only)
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