setSelectFocusField(String focusField_name)
. This method is usually called by the server
application code before a query is performed. It defines the field that receives focus after some
record is selected in the query.
setCancelFocusField(String focusField_name)
. This method is usually called by the server
application code before a query is performed. It defines the field that receives focus if the query is
cancelled (that is, the end user presses Cancel button).
7.7 Other useful functions and methods
7.7.1 ApplicationPage and ApplicationFile properties
In every Application page (such as demoLabTestApp.jsp in the example) there are two properties
describing the
application JSP file
name and the
FileMan database file
that the fields on the page are
connected to.
If you have fields from multiple database files on a single JSP page, you can redefine the
property in the middle of the JSP page.
7.7.2 Component mapping
getMappedGrid(String gridName)
getMappedSource(String sourceName)
getMappedProperty(String propertyName)
These methods provide a fallback mechanism for linking JSP tags to actual server application's fields and
database components. The application usually identifies components by searching them tree like from a
main XfijSource component defined by
variable. For example, if you create an application with
e FixIT application wizard, the
variable will be connected to the FileMan file first selected as
master file
(see chapter 6.3.2). If you have components that are
connected to this source via other
components, then you must override corresponding method to introduce the component to the application.
For example:
xfij.core.XfijSource myOwnSource = new xfij.core.XfijSource();
public xfij.core.type.XfijSourceComponent getMappedSource(String sourceName) {
if (sourceName.equals("projectSource"))
return myOwnSource;
else return null;
Now a JSP tag such as:
<% projectSource ); %>
will correctly identify the XfijSource component. Alternatively you can include a JSP tag describing the
source component use on the page:
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