6.3  Using the Application Wizard 
6.3.1  Starting the Application Wizard 
The e FixIT Application Wizard is started by running 
java  cp xfijcore42.jar;xfijholder42.jar;xfijawt42.jar 
from command line. You have to be in the same directory as your JAR files or you can create a shortcut 
that runs the above line. If you downloaded and unzipped the 
 file, you can run 
, which contains the line above. 
6.3.2  Required steps 
Database Server settings. 
After the wizard initializes, the screen below should appear. 
Type your FileMan server's 
 name and 
 number. You can always get to the next part of the 
wizard by pressing 
button. The 
 button takes you to previous part. When you press the 
Next button in the screen above, you should get the signon screen. If you don't, either your server listening 
process is not running properly or your Server or Port settings are incorrect. The server and port settings 
are the same which will be used in the created server application. 






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