Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials
parameter specifies the remote interface class.
3) What is the structure of your EJB component?
The home interface of the EJB component
specifies the home interface class.
Use Axis Ant Tasks to Deploy EJB Web service
So far you have downloaded and installed the ETTK, created a simple EJB component
, created a Web application that references your EJB component,
configured the Web applications
file to use Axis as the SOAP transport, and
configured the Web application to refer to your
EJB component. Lastly you
created an Axis Web Service Deployment Descriptor that describes how to connect to
your EJB component with the built in EJB Provider. Now you need to use this Web
Service Deployment Descriptor.
This step assumes that you have deployed the EJB component and Web Application to
your application server of choice. The Web application should be mapped into a
context called AxisEJB; if not, adjust accordingly. (The Ant script that ships with the
sample builds and deploys the EJB component and Web Application to Resin EE. You
will need to change this Ant script for your application server.)
Next you need to use the Axis Ant tasks to deploy the Web service to your application
server. In order to start using the Axis Ant task, you need to set up a class path in Ant
as follows:
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Service enable EJB SessionBeans with the IBM ETTK






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