type is specified as a parameter of the type. This parameter is called the
target type of the reference. The target of a reference is always a row in a
typed table or a typed view. When a reference type is used, it may have a
scope defined.
10.5 User defined functions
DB2 UDB provides feature for creating additional functions, which can be used
as utilities or a methods on existing data types. This provides you the capability
to extend and customize your SQL according to your requirements. They can be
invoked in same way as your built in DB2 UDB functions.
Another main advantage of using UDF is it allows you to perform your logic inside
the DB2 UDB server. By this way you can pass some of your application logic to
server side for faster execution. Also, DB2 UDB supports implementation of
these user defined functions in SQL or number of external programming
languages. This provides you a feature to use the power of languages like C,
C++, Java, OLE, etc.
The UDF can be of the types:
Scalar function
A scalar function is a user defined function, which returns only single values
all the time. They are quite useful while writing a utility functions based on
existing SQL functions. A scalar function can be referenced in the same
contexts as any built in function.
A scalar function can be sourced or external. A sourced function is defined to
the database with a reference to another built in or user defined function,
whereas an external function is defined to the database with a reference to an
external library or code. Example 10 7 shows both source and external
creation for the function
which ID type to varchar(20).
Example 10 7 Scalar functions
db2>create function stringId(ID) returns varchar(20) source DIGITS(INTEGER)
db2>create function stringId(ID) returns varchar(10) external name itso!id
language C parameter style SQL deterministic no SQL no external action
Column function
A column function is a user defined function which single valued answers
from a set of like values. They are quite useful when you want to aggregate a
result from set of rows. Currently, only sourced column functions are
supported in DB2 UDB. It means you can create a column function sourced
upon one of the built in column functions, and you cannot write a column
Chapter 10. Advanced DB2 UDB features
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