is enough memory in the system. You can take this as a starting buffer pool 
configuration for a 2 GB RAM system.
Example 9 32   Increasing buffer pools
connect to sample;
   creating two buffer pools 256 MB and 64 MB
create bufferpool DATA_BP immediate size 65536 pagesize 4k;
create bufferpool TEMP_BP immediate size 16384 pagesize 4k;
   changing size of the default buffer pool
alter bufferpool IBMDEFAULTBP immediate size 16384;
   binding the tablespaces to buffer pools
alter tablespace DATASPACE bufferpool DATA_BP;
alter tablespace TEMPSPACE1 bufferpool TEMP_BP;
   checking the results 
substr(bs.bpname,1,20) as BPNAME
,substr(ts.tbspace,1,20) as TBSPACE
from syscat.bufferpools bs join syscat.tablespaces ts on
     bs.bufferpoolid = ts. bufferpoolid;
The results:
IBMDEFAULTBP               16384        4096 SYSCATSPACE
IBMDEFAULTBP               16384        4096 USERSPACE1
DATA_BP                    65536        4096 DATASPACE
TEMP_BP                    16384        4096 TEMPSPACE1
 parameter specifies the percentage of changed pages at 
which the asynchronous page cleaners will be started. Asynchronous page 
cleaners will write changed pages from the buffer pool to disk. The default value 
for the parameter is 60%. When that threshold is reached, some users may 
experience a slower response time. Having larger buffer pools means more 
modified pages in memory and more work to be done by page cleaners, as 
shown on Figure 9 7. To guarantee more consistent response time and also 
shorter recovery phase, lower the value to 50 or 40 using the following command:
db2 update db cfg for sample using CHNGPGS_THRESH 40
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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