Because the DEADLOCK_EVMON monitor was created with a manual start, it 
remains inactive after creation. To activate an event monitor, change the state of 
the event monitor to the value 
 and use the 
 function to check 
for the current state as shown in Example 9 25 (when calling
use the event monitor name in upper case). After activation of 
DEADLOCK_EVMON, each time a deadlock occurs in the database, it will be 
recorded into the event monitor tables.
Example 9 25   Enabling event monitor
db2 set event monitor deadlock_evmon state = 1
db2 values event_mon_state( DEADLOCK_EVMON )
To browse the data collected by the event monitor, you can directly access the 
tables, or use the GUI tool 
. For more information about 
 refer to 
Command Reference
Event monitors offer an option to write the monitored information to a binary file. 
This option is particularly useful when there is a need to prevent the event 
monitor from collecting an uncontrolled amount of data. 
Example 9 26 shows the creation of an event monitor that writes the diagnostic 
data to files (extensions 
) located on the c:\tmp\deadlock directory 
(Windows example). If the total amount of collected data exceeds 5000 pages 
(4 KB) the event monitor will stop.
Example 9 26   Creating an event monitor with the file option
db2 create event monitor deadlock_evmon for deadlocks with details 
write to file  c:\tmp\deadlock  maxfilesize 5000 manualstart
To convert the event monitor binary files to user readable form use the 
utility as shown in Example 9 27.
Example 9 27   Formatting event monitor output files
C:\tmp>db2evmon  path c:\tmp\deadlock
Reading c:\tmp\00000000.EVT ...
                            EVENT LOG HEADER
  Event Monitor name: DEADLOCK_EVMON
  Server Product ID: SQL08014
  Version of event monitor data: 7
  Byte order: LITTLE ENDIAN
  Number of nodes in db2 instance: 1
  Codepage of database: 1252
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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