Example 9 17 Table space and buffer pool snapshots
db2 get snapshot for tablespaces on db2_emp
db2 get snapshot for bufferpools on db2_emp
dynamic SQL snapshot
(Example 9 18) is used extensively to determine how
well SQL statements are performing. This snapshot summarizes the behavior of
the different dynamic SQL statements that are run. The snapshot does not
capture static SQL statements, so anything that was pre bound will not show up
in this list. The snapshot is an aggregate of the information concerning the SQL
statements. If a SQL statement is executed 102 times, then there will be one
entry with the summary of the total behavior of the 102 executions.
Example 9 18 Dynamic SQL snapshot
db2 get snapshot for dynamic sql on db2_emp
Snapshot table functions
As mentioned earlier, DB2 UDB features the capability to capture snapshots
using SQL
table functions
. Accessing snapshot information through an SQL
interface is very useful, because the requested information can be filtered and
sorted, thereby presented in a more readable format. The snapshot
can be also very helpful in analyzing system utilization over a time
Most of the snapshot
table functions
accept two input parameters. The first is a
string representing the database name. Entering NULL value for the database
name parameter instructs the function to get snapshot information for all
databases in the instance. The second parameter represents the partition
number. To capture a snapshot for the currently connected partition, enter a
value of 1 or a NULL.
The query in Example 9 19 uses the table function
retrieve the five table names, which have the most read and write activity on
Example 9 19 Sample snapshot table function
db2 "select snapshot_timestamp, table_name, rows_written, rows_read,
rows_written + rows_read as rows_accessed
from table (SNAPSHOT_TABLE( DB2_EMP , 1))as T
order by rows_accessed desc
fetch first 5 rows only"
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Chapter 9. Testing and tuning
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